Selasa, 25 Mei 2021

5 Negative Effects On Your Body Eating Fast Food

Tips Dan Trik - Fast food is very easy and fast to be processed as a substitute for home food. In addition to high calories, these foods also contain a lot of sugar, fats (especially cholesterol), and salt.

Some ready-to-go restaurants even use vegetable oils that contain a lot of trans oil or saturated fats to fry the food. In fact, the oil is not good for the body because it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

People who have high blood pressure and diabetes are encouraged to be very cautious about ready meals. Because, the fat content in this food is quite high.

Not only can it increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, there are many dangers of eating ready meals for your body, among others:

Gain Weight - Ready meals contain very high calories and fats. If consumed excessively, this type of food can quickly gain weight. People who consume too many ready meals are very vulnerable to obesity.

In addition, high fat content in ready-to-food foods can also lead to increased cholesterol in the blood. This is what makes this type of food risky to cause heart disease and stroke.

Increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes - High-ready meals will be calories, fats, and carbohydrates capable of causing blood sugar spikes in your body. If it is often consumed, it can cause impaired insulin. Consequently, you will risk greater exposure to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Cause tooth decay -  Ready meals will usually be served with a soft drink or a high sweet drink of carbohydrate and sugar content. When this drink is consumed, the bacteria that are in your mouth will produce acids. This acid can destroy the protective coating (enamel) of the tooth, thereby causing the tooth to perforate.

Increase the risk of respiratory disorders - A study says that children who consume fast food at least three times a week will be at risk of obesity and increased recurrence of asthma symptoms. As for adults, the obesity that lurks can lead to shortness of breath, wheezing, as well as sleep apnea.

Increase the risk of cancer - Various health research finds the fact that unhealthy diet and lack of exercise contribute to increasing the risk of someone getting cancer. The diet in question is high calorie and fat and low fiber diet, including ready meals.

In addition to some of the above health disorders, consuming too much ready-to-eat foods that contain high in salt and fat can also cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and flatulence.

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